Information about the 1.2.6 Update.
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Major Changes
Sharding is now automatic, this should auto scale to the needed amount.
A Major memory leak causing rita to restart every few hours has now been fixed.
Bug Fixes
!tr announce on/off
has been fixed.!tr settings
has been unrestricted.!tr blacklist {ServerID}
has been fixed.!tr channel from {lang} to {lang}
no longer defaults to a DM task.
Command Changes
!tr react on/off
now turns on and off flag reactions.
Database Changes
Added in 3 new columns ready for auto-warn and eject management
Servers will be allowed 10 Permission Errors Before a Warning
Server will be given a Maximum of 3 Warning before they are Ejected
If your server should be Ejected a second time it will be blacklisted
Misc. Changes
Sooooooo Many spelling mistakes corrected that it would be too many to list here.
Help Menu updated with new commands.
Last updated
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