Wooooo, Rita is back, and hopfully for good. (Launch Date: 01/05/2022 00:00 GMT)
PLEASE NOTE: This Update was accurate at the time of sharing. Please refer to our Support documentation to ensure accurate and up-to-date information is known, If you have any questions or concerns please join our Discord Server and someone will assist.
Wait, what, I've missed something?
If you have not been following our announcement channel, or have not read our previous Update; we would advise you to do this. It will answer most of your questions.
For further information check out FAQ or join our support server.
How do I Subscribe?
You can do this in a few ways. You can purchase from Ko-Fi or Patreon. For info and step by step guide check this out.
I've Subscribed, Now what?
Head to #active-rita-here and type `!tr sub` to get started... What are you waiting for?.
Something has gone wrong, it didn't work!
If you cant see the Subscription category in the Support server, you can't access the #active-rita-here channel, or something went wrong then please #open-a-ticket and we will assist you ASAP.
Last updated
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