S.A.L.T.S Policy V3
Last updated: August 15, 2023
S.A.L.T.S Policy - Document Version 3 (In Effect May 01, 2023 > August 20, 2023)
S.A.L.T.S Stands for Subscription, Activation, Limitations, Termination and Suspension Policy. This describes Our policies and procedures on how each of the aforementioned processes are handled.
By using the Service, You agree to the following processes and be subject to enforcement of them.
Interpretation and Definitions
The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under Interpretations and Definitions, they are located Here.
A User subscription follows the below flows. These are different for each subscription platform.
Activation Process
Refer to activation steps below in Activation Section.
Payment & Renewal Dates
Subscriptions are renewed on different days depending on the platform.
Renews monthly on the 1st of each month regardless of subscription date. E.g., subscription is purchased and payment is taken on the 09th of May. On the 1st of June payment is taken, then again on the 1st July. This continues monthly until cancelation.
ACTIVE - Subscription Tier's and Cost
These plans are the base subscription plans on offer. Costs are fixed and can not be changed. Once a user has subscribed to the plan they will remain on the plan until the subscription is cancelled. See Tier Cost Changes & Availability for More information.
Plan Name | Cost | Availability |
The "Casual" Plan | $6.99 | 01/06/22 - Current |
The "Tinkerer" Plan | $10.99 | 01/06/22 - Current |
The "Pro" Plan | $15.99 | 01/06/22 - Current |
PROMOTIONAL- Subscription Tier's and Cost
These plans are subject to availability and are time-limited. Costs are fixed and can not be changed. Once a user has subscribed to the plan they will remain on the plan until the subscription is cancelled. Once an offer window has passed there is not guarantee it will be available again. See Tier Cost Changes & Availability for More information.
Plan Name | Cost | Availability |
The "Casual" Plan - Offer | $4.83 | 01/06/22 - Current |
The "Tinkerer" Plan - Offer | $8.24 | 01/06/22 - Current |
The "Pro" Plan - Offer | $11.19 | 01/06/22 - Current |
RETIRED - Subscription Tier's and Cost
These plans are retired and no longer available. Costs are fixed and can not be changed. Once a user has subscribed to the plan they will remain on the plan until the subscription is cancelled. Once an is retired it will be available again. See Tier Cost Changes & Availability for More information.
Plan Name | Cost | Availability |
The OG "Casual" Plan | $5.99 | 01/05/22 - 31/05/22 |
The OG "Tinkerer" Plan | $9.99 | 01/05/22 - 31/05/22 |
The OG "Pro" Plan | $14.99 | 01/05/22 - 31/05/22 |
Tier Cost Changes & Availability
Once a User has purchased a subscription, the cost they pay will not change, unless they cancel the subscription and then re-subscribe.
Cancellation due to failed payment resulting in the cancellation of an archived or expired plan cannot be re-activated, regardless of the reason.
No notice will be given on archiving or retiring a plan or removing availability; however, We believe in an open dialect with our customers. That said, business reason depends, We will provide information in the form of an announcement when possible.
Other Limitation(s)
All Plans/Tiers are subject to other limitations, detailed below.
User Invites RITA to server >
User Joins RMS Server >
User selects relevant plan provided by Patreon >
User completes payment via platform
Patreon > Payment is handled by Patreon
Upon Confirmation of payment User activates Discord integration through account linking.
Guide for Patreon
Integration uses the Patreon Bot to apply relevant roles to User, a Role from Payment, Tier, and the Subscription section below are needed for RITA to work.
RITA detects role additions and adds relevant and required data to our Subscription Database
Once User has all identifying Roles they are able to see the channel #activate-rita-here.
If role addition fails or is incomplete, then it is investigated by the ADMIN team. The ADMIN team will manually validate payment completion and then apply correct roles, if necessary.
User types `!tr sub` in the above noted channel or in their own server. If they own more than one server or are admin in more than one server, then they are prompted to select the server they want to use RITA in.
RITA must be in the server before the command is run, else an error will be provided.
RITA is activated and the subscription process is completed.
Each plan has the following limitation applied.
Due to the rising cost of our Hosting, Charges to Google and Payment Processing Services, we have made changes to the character limitations applied to each plan, this will take effect on the 1st of May 2023
Plan Name | Task Limit | Char Limit | Engine Used |
The OG "Casual" Plan | 100 | 200,000 Soft Cap | Google API / ML |
The "Casual" Plan - Offer | 100 | 200,000 Soft Cap | Google API / ML |
The "Casual" Plan | 100 | 200,000 Soft Cap | Google API / ML |
The OG "Tinkerer" Plan | 200 | 400,000 Soft Cap | Google API / ML |
The "Tinkerer" Plan - Offer | 200 | 400,000 Soft Cap | Google API / ML |
The "Tinkerer" Plan | 200 | 400,000 Soft Cap | Google API / ML |
The OG "Pro" Plan | 350 | 600,000 Soft Cap | Google API / ML |
The "Pro" Plan - Offer | 350 | 600,000 Soft Cap | Google API / ML |
The "Pro" Plan | 350 | 600,000 Soft Cap | Google API / ML |
Soft Cap = not enforced to the digit but close. This is calculated by
(Number of Characters in message * Number of languages translated to) + Original Char Count = Total Char Count.
Example from English to French: Hello -> Bonjour
(5 Characters * 1 language translation) + 5 original chars = 10 Total Chars
Exceeding Character Limit. Either of the following Scenarios are taken, via automation by RITA or manual intervention by a member of RMS Staff
A server exceeds the soft caps assigned to their plan
Translation Services are swapped from Implicit Google API Translation to Implicit Machine Learning API Translation for Languages we have trained and that are optimized to a high standard. See Machine Learning API for more information.
At the start of the next calendar month Implicit Google API Translation is reactivated until breach of soft cap
Machine Learning API
ML API currently has an upper bound limit of 10 million characters translated per month. This upper bond if not hard coded in to RITA, however it is checked periodically throughout the month. If a User exceeds this a custom tier cost or solution may be required, however no suspension will happen as a result of this limit.
Optimised Languages
Language | Lang Code | Optimised for ML in Version |
Bulgarian | bg | 1.4.0 |
Chinese (Simplified) | zh-CN | 1.4.0 |
Chinese (Traditional) | zh-TW | 1.4.0 |
Czech | cs | 1.4.0 |
English | en | 1.4.0 |
French | fr | 1.4.0 |
Indonesian | id | 1.4.0 |
Italian | it | 1.4.0 |
Japanese | ja | 1.4.0 |
Korean | ko | 1.4.0 |
Portuguese | pt | 1.4.0 |
Romanian | ro | 1.4.0 |
Russian | ru | 1.4.0 |
Serbian | sr | 1.4.0 |
Ukrainian | uk | 1.4.0 |
Vietnamese | vi | 1.4.0 |
The Termination Process is used in conjunction with the Suspension Process and follows a pre-defined path.
The Termination flow can only executed/started by the following RMS staff levels and is governed by a strict time frame.
A Suspension of Service can be implemented for a varying number of reasons. This is referred to as Pausing.
Pausing and resuming of service can only be conducted by the following RMS staff levels
Senior Staff
Service can be Paused under the following conditions
Detection of suspicious activity.
We cannot share what this look like to prevent anti-detection methods
Exceeding Character Limits of Tier (*When Implemented)
This could be Google API Limits or ML Limits
Suspicion that RITA is being used for SPAM or JUNK flooding
Request to Terminate by third party agencies or companies in line with our Privacy Policy and ToS.
Identification that RITA is being used for Commercial use exceeding fair and reasonable use. This is not defined and will be reviewed on a case by case basis. This does not exclude the use of RITA from commercial use.
If Service is Paused, We are not able to offer pro rata refunds for the time the service is paused, inactive or non-operational. This is in line with our Refund Policy.
Last updated