
Important Annoucement Shared Via Discord

PLEASE NOTE: This Update was accurate at the time of sharing. Please refer to our Support documentation to ensure accurate and up-to-date information is known, If you have any questions or concerns please join our Discord Server and someone will assist.

A Year in Review - RITA 2022

This year has seen over 780 new user’s subscribe to RITA! At the start of 2022 RITA was using version 1.3.0, now as we start 2023 RITA is using version 1.3.24. 

Thanks to the tireless work the RITA development team. 

More than 150 individual updates, fixes, and patches have been made. Resulting in over 32,000 lines of new code being added and nearly 16,000 lines of code being deleted due to refactoring and optimization. 

RITA Message Statistics for 2022:

* Total characters translated by RITA = 949,434,521
* Total messages translated by RITA = 17,749,158
* Translations sent by RITA in embed off mode = 13,119,780
* Translations sent by RITA in embed mode = 7,267,768
* Pictures sent by RITA = 462,227
* Number of messages translated via flag emoji reactions = 155,512
* Gif’s sent by RITA = 131,845

Numbers like this are what keeps us going, knowing that you truly use RITA to her full potential! 

RITA Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning (ML) Work In Progress

As of July of 2022, a part of the RITA development team has been hard at work creating our very own machine learning translation model.
For those who aren’t familiar with a machine learning model or a neural network. Instead of relying on Google to translate the messages.
We are using various data sets to train the machine learning model via different means so that eventually we can offer an even lower cost translation bot.
With the same level of translation quality you’ve come to expect and depend on from RITA. This is still very much in the early stages of development, so far thanks to numerous training iterations we have decent coverage for the following 11 languages:
English, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Romanian, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean. 

Please stay tuned for more information regarding the ML progress RITA is making.
Total character translated with RITA’s ML engine = 9,721,043

RITA Team and Server Updates for 2022

Introducing Qjuh and Z3US, two very skilled developers.

And introduced a wonderful team of Community Helpers (T•K, Mairin Lilith, KingLion1314, and Slasky) and bot helpers (iconoclast and LOKI)
We have been community verified and have added 2 new bots to the RITA family.
Thank you for an amazing 2022 and here’s to an even better 2023!

The RITA development team

Last updated

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