PLEASE NOTE: This Update was accurate at the time of sharing. Please refer to our Support documentation to ensure accurate and up-to-date information is known, If you have any questions or concerns please join our Discord Server and someone will assist.
As RITA moves into the next phase and new features are implemented we want to be able to test RITA without impacting the wider user base with potential bugs resulting indowntime. This is where you, our users, can help. What We are looking for inBETA Testers:
How many do we need?
To start with we are looking for 5 servers willing to be BETA Testers.
Are there any restrictions?
You must have no more than 100 tasks, a monthly usage limit of no more than 500k characters and more than 20users. For simplicity of communication, you must be proficient in communicating in English.
What do I need to do?
Open a general ticket in open-a-ticket providing your server ID, and stating you want to be a BETATester. One of the admin team will evaluate your server to ensure it meets our requirements.
What next?
You will be invited to install a separate version ofRITA on your server. This version is invite-only and will only work on the servers we approve.
Will I need to set everything up again?
No, your tasks will be intact and RITA will start working straight away.
What do I have to do as a BETA Tester?
The simple answer, use BITAasnormal, we will create a separate ticket where you will report any issue you find.
Are there any downsides?
While we will continue to try and provide a guaranteed uptime like Global RITA there may be a time when BETARITA stops working. New features we add may be removed and you may find random bugs. Your feedback will help us to fix these and get them ready for global launch. You won't be able to have more than 1000 Tasks.
What's in it for me?
This is the best bit, we will provide RITA for free. Through the BETAPlatform. So you won't have to pay for a subscription. There will be rules but we will let you know them before you agree.
Some codeUpdates may be made multiple times a day,with reboot times being an average of5mins. We can't always guarantee notification of reboots. But we will let you know of any changes. BETARITA is not a permanent bot, and while we will give you asmuchnoticeaswecanitmaybedeactivatedatanytime.