Version Changes for 1.3.?-?
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### 1.3.23-0
Date: 10/12/22
User: Zycore
> ----------
>>> Env Files
* Update backup env files
* Update dependancies
> body-parser ^1.19.0 → ^1.20.1
> canvas ^2.9.1 → ^2.10.2
> common-tags ^1.8.0 → ^1.8.2
> discord.js ^14.6.0 → ^14.7.1
> ejs ^3.1.6 → ^3.1.8
> express ^4.17.1 → ^4.18.2
> express-session ^1.17.2 → ^1.17.3
> iso-639-1 ^2.1.13 → ^2.1.15
> memorystore ^1.6.6 → ^1.6.7
> pg ^8.7.3 → ^8.8.0
> sqlite3 ^5.0.2 → ^5.1.2
> @babel/core ^7.17.10 → ^7.20.5
> @babel/eslint-parser ^7.17.0 → ^7.19.1
> eslint ^8.15.0 → ^8.29.0
> nodemon ^2.0.12 → ^2.0.20
### 1.3.23-1
Date: 10/12/22
User: Zycore
> ----------
>>> commands.js
* Change Last command pointer from .old to .run
the code in .old cause all data to be deleted from the object, Major bug.
>>> translate.last.js
* Commented out the .old method so it can be called by accident.
### 1.3.23-2
Date: 13/12/22
User: Qjuh
> ----------
>>> deploy-interactions.js, events.js
* added possibility for slashcommand files to have only dev-commands
>>> slashcommands/../announce.js
* Added `/announce [role:]` to send an announcement message to all servers, optionally only those whose subscription owners have the mentioned role in RMS
>>> slashcommands/../translate.js, core/translate.js
* Fixed import/export of discordPatch and translateFix methods used for `/translate {text} [from] [to]`
### 1.3.23-3
Date: 14/12/22
User: Zycore
> ----------
>>> bot.js
* Added auto deploy code of slash commands on each boot.
### 1.3.23-4
Date: 27/12/22
User: Qjuh, Zycore
> ----------
>>> translate.react.js
* Added exclusion/catch for await statment of emojio remove
>>> db.js
* Fixed task count for removal of tasks
* Values for chars_used and ml_chars_used are now set to 0 not 1.
>>> send.js
* Corrected a error catch to not log to console
* Added printout for 40005 error to source channel
>>> bot.js
* Removed auto deploy code of slash commands on each boot
>>> misc.js
* fix a object error with selection of counters.
### 1.3.23-5
Date: 10/01/23
User: Qjuh
> ----------
>>> translate.js
* Fix bug timestamps and slash commands
* eslint corrections
* regex Fix for code block detection