Version Changes for 1.3.?-?
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### 1.3.22-0
Date: 10/12/22
User: Zycore
> ----------
>>> db.js
* Created case
db.getCount (action, id, type, _cb)
action = (subChar, subMLChar, task, server)
db.getInfo (action, id, _cb))
action = (sub, server, settings, stats, purge)
>>> debug.js
* Archived debug.js and disbaled command.
>>> misc.js
* Debugvales command has been added due to archiving of debug.js
* Hardcoded role ID's
* Updated Object refrenceses
>>> translate.js
* Added catch for missing ml_chars_used
>>> Core Code Files
* Changed db.getServerInfo > db.getInfo
* Changed db.getSubInfo > db.getInfo
* Changed db.getServerInfo > db.getInfo
* Changed db.getServerSettings > db.getInfo
* Changed db.getPurgeInfo > db.getInfo
* Changed db.getSubCharCount > db.getCount
* Changed db.getTasksCount > db.getCount
* Changed db.getServersCount > db.getCount
* Created db.getCount(subMLChar)
* cb was no a function as missing _, Changed to _cb
### 1.3.22-1
Date: 10/12/22
User: Zycore
> ----------
>>> translate.js
* Fixed a bug with missing engine value.
### 1.3.22-2
Date: 10/12/22
User: Zycore
> ----------
>>> Core Code Files
* Update Error Tags in DB files are they were all duplicated.
* Added correct Error codes to Error not line number, This way if code shifts the error tag is still valid.