Version Changes for 1.3.?-?
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### 1.3.24-0
Date: 26/01/23
User: Qjuh
> ----------
>>> Core Code Files
* Full rew-write to support ESM
* Move launch.js to deleted
* Changed last few properties to new system
* Converted to ESM
* Fixed bugs found when starting on pebble
* Multiple bug fixes
* Remove unused export
* Turned dashboard into ESM too (untested)
* Fixed bugs if missing permissions
* Fixed intents checks
* Eslint corrections
* Fixed permission check, resolves #89
* Fixed `!tr group link` bug
* Linted and fixed `!tr select` command
* Fixed codeblock translation
* Make yellow leave when blue joins
* Fixes gulpfile
* Updated Blue role BotID
* Added multiple Slash commands
### 1.3.24-1
Date: 27/01/23
User: Qjuh
> ----------
>>> db.js, events.js, send.js
* Added JSDoc's
>>> send.js
* Fixed stickers Bug
### 1.3.24-2
Date: 28/01/23
User: Qjuh
> ----------
>>> commands.js, misc.js, translate.react.js, db.js, translate.js, events.js, message.js
* Replaced `server_obj[id].servers.subscription` with `server_obj[id].subscriptions`
>>> Core Code Files
* Change to permission structures, These are checked in BitField and not each command
>>> choose_server.js
* Fixed !tr sub select menu
>>> send.js
* Fixed image sending in threads
### 1.3.24-3
Date: 02/02/23
User: Qjuh
> ----------
>>> db.js
* Fixed !tr stop for #channel taskCount calculation
* Fixed a `taskCount` bug
>>> eject.js
* turn `/eject` into `/warn eject`, add `/warn dm`
### 1.3.24-4
Date: 03/02/23
User: Qjuh
> ----------
>>> db.js
* Multiple Fixes of `taskCount` bug